Welcome to Ekoik. A Functional, Comfortable, Affordable outdoor Gear brand created and ran by one guy with a simple vision in Billings Montana.

Ekoik: A play on a sounds ability to echo. Your outdoor adventures carry stories through your lifetime. Sharing those stories around the fire or with those closest to you gave me inspiration for the name of my Brand. 

The Motto "Speak The Outdoors": For those passionate about the outdoors and its lifestyle it's all we think and talk about. Those like us "Speak The Outdoors".

The Logo: The Ibex. They live, endure and scale some of the harshest country on the planet. These awesome unique mountain goats inspired me for a basis of the logo. 

Join the Family rep Ekoik and "Speak The Outdoors". I appreciate your support- Charly Sheehan



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